Monday, 17 December 2012

Tips Belajar-Tips Jadi Rasional

           Assalamualaikum semua,,,kepada sesiapa yang membaca blog ni ye...ok,,,hari ini Hanani nak post tentang tips belajar secara rasional sebab hari ni malas sikit nak tulis panjang-panjang,,,haa...kalau korang nak tau bacalah kat bawah ni ye...

1) Bertindak berasaskan bukti,jangan mudah percaya kepada khabar angin
2) Berhati-hati dengan SMS berkenaan dengan soalan spot menjelang peperiksaan
3) Jangan pula menyebarkan SMS @ email mengenai soalan ramalan menjelang peperiksaan.Ia akan     
     menambahkan spekulasi dan menghilangkan sedikit fokus
4) Sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah,memohon pertolongan dan petunjuk
5) Mohon kepada Allah untuk dipermudahkan segala urusan,bukan mengharapkan soalan-soalan ramalan 
    yang belum tentu betul atau salah.
6) Menjelang peperiksaan,adakan perbincangan secara berkumpulan.Bincangkan soalan-soalan tahun-tahun 
    lepas.Ia lebih diyakini kerana ianya pernah dikeluarkan dalam peperiksaan.
7) Bertindak dengan rasional.Gunakan akal yang waras untuk berfikir.Elakkan percaya dengan khabar angin.
8) Usaha sehingga kita benar-benar puas hati.Biarlah kejayaan itu hasil daripada usaha sendiri.Bukan atas 
    bantuan perkara yang salah seperti meniru dan sebagainya.
9) Sesudah berusaha,serahkan segala urusan kepada Allah.Bertawakallah kepada Allah.Allah knows the 
             Ha! Ingat ye kepada sesape yang calon peperiksaan yang besar tu,,,macam saya....PMR you're mine!!! hahaha (evil laughs)...Eee...tapi takutlah nak berhadapan,,,okay tu jelah untuk hari ini,,, Assalamualaikum semua....

Sunday, 30 September 2012


Salam semua...
Wow,pejam celik.....pejam celik...d hmpi habis setahun...18/10 niey ade exam akhir tahun...rase takut lah pulak....tahun depan baru ambil PMR...err,seram sejuk~
Ok2 kepada abang n kakak kat luar sana jangan lupe PMR is around the corner...8 hari jer lagi....saya harap korang yang ambil PMR,SPM (lagi 35 hari je tinggal) semoga korang semua lulus dalam exam yea...kepada adik-adik yang cemerlang dalam UPSR tu,,,tahniah yea...nah biskut untuk adik-adik...gurau jer...jangan marah...:)
Herm...tadi baru jer kemas kini blog niey...boleh tahan laa... berbanding yang lepas tu,,,cume nampak serabut sikit....ermm...kali ni strawberry...ok-ok...kepada sesape yang ade blog tu,,,please follow yea...bye2...

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Picture of Hachikō
November 10, 1923
near the city of
Ōdate, Akita Prefecture
March 8, 1935 (aged 11)Shibuya, Tokyo
Resting place
Nation from
Known for
waiting for the return of his deceased owner
golden brown with cream color on upper face

Hachikō (ハチ公, November 10, 1923 – March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公 "faithful dog Hachikō" ['hachi' meaning 'eight', a number referring to the dog's birth order in the litter, and 'kō', meaning prince or duke]), was an Akita dog born on a farm near the city of Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owner's death.
 Hachiko's Monument
Shibuya Station as it was in the Taisho and Pre-war Showa eras (1912-1945)
In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took in Hachikō, a golden brown Akita, as a pet. During his owner's life, Hachikō greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachikō was waiting. Every day for the next nine years the dog waited at Shibuya station.
Hachikō attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachikō and Professor Ueno together each day. They brought Hachikō treats and food to nourish him during his wait. This continued for nine years with Hachikō appearing precisely when the train was due at the station.

That same year, one of Ueno's students (who developed expertise on the Akita breed) saw the dog at the station and followed him to the Kobayashi home (the home of the former gardener of Professor Ueno — Kikuzaboro Kobayashi ) where he learned the history of Hachikō's life. Shortly after this meeting, the former student published a documented census of Akitas in Japan. His research found only 30 purebred Akitas remaining, including Hachikō from Shibuya Station.
He returned frequently to visit the dog and over the years published several articles about Hachikō's remarkable loyalty. In 1932 one of these articles, published in Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, threw the dog into the national spotlight. Hachikō became a national sensation. His faithfulness to his master's memory impressed the people of Japan as a spirit of family loyalty all should strive to achieve. Teachers and parents used Hachikō's vigil as an example for children to follow. A well-known Japanese artist rendered a sculpture of the dog, and throughout the country a new awareness of the Akita breed grew.
Eventually, Hachikō's legendary faithfulness became a national symbol of loyalty, particularly to the person and institution of the Emperor.
Hachikō died on March 8, 1935, and was found on a street in Shibuya. In March 2011 scientists settled the cause of death of Hachikō: the dog had terminal cancer and a filaria infection (worms). There were also four yakitori sticks in Hachikō's stomach, but the sticks did not damage his stomach or cause his death.Hachikō's stuffed and mounted remains are kept at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo.grave is in Aoyama cemetery in Minatoku, Tokyo
 Hachiko's Monument (Hachiko:A Dog's Story)


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

20 Sikap Aneh Perempuan

Hello Kitty Junkie February Wallpaper Detail
01.Apabila seorang gadis mengatakan dia sedang bersedih tetapi tidak menitiskan air mata,maka dia sedang
     menangis dalam hatinya...
02.Apabila gadis yang anda cinta tidak menghiraukan anda selepas disakiti hatinya,adalah baik anda beri dia
     masa sebelum menegurnya dengan ucapan maaf...
03.Seorang gadis sukar mencari perkara yg tidak elok tentang yang disayanginya.Sebab itulah perempuan
     mudah patah hati apabila hubungan cintanya terputus di tengah jalan...
04.Hati seorang gadis akan mudah cair seperti coklat andai lelaki yang disukai dan dicintainya merenung
     ke dalam matanya...
05.Satu ucapan 'Hai!' sahaja sudah cukup untuk menceriakan hatinya...
06.JANGAN sesekali mengagak apa yang seorang gadis rasakan,tanyalah padanya sendiri!
07.Teman baiknya sahaja yang tahu ape yang dirasakannya mahupun ape yang sedang dilaluinya...
08.Bersikap terlalu serius boleh mematikan mood seorang gadis...
09.Senjata seorang gadis adalah air mata...
10.Sekiranya gadis itu jatuh cinta dengan seorang jejaka,percayalah bahawa lelaki itu sahaja sentiasa ade di
     fikirannya walaupun ketika dia keluar dengan lelaki lain...
11.Setiap gadis sukakan pujian,tetapi selalu tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menerima pujian...
12.Jika anda tidak suka dengan gadis yang sukakan anda separuh mati,tolak cintanya dengan lembut.Jangan
     berkasar sebab ada satu semangat dalam diri seorang gadis yang anda tidak akan tahu.Apabila dia sudah
     membuat satu keputusan,dia akan lakukan apa sahaja...
13.Sekiranya seorang gadis mula menjauhkan diri dari anda selepas cintanya ditolak,biarkan dia untuk
     seketika.Kemudian,sekiranya anda masih ingin menganggapnya sebagai kawan,cubalah tegur dia
14.Si gadis suka meluahkan rasa hati mereka.Muzik,puisi,lukisan, dan tulisan adalah cara termudah mereka
     meluahkan rasa hati mereka...
15.Perempuan sekuat manapun egonya atau setinggi mana kedudukannya,dia tetap akan tewas dengan cinta
     seorang lelaki...
16.Sekuntum senyuman memberi seribu erti bagi seorang perempuan.Jadi,jangan senyum sembarangan...
17.Perempuan paling BENCI lelaki yang berbaik-baik dengan mereka hanya untuk tackle kawan mereka
     yang paling cantik...
18.Seorang gadis menganggap cinta bermaksud kesetiaan,ambil berat,jujur, dan kebahagiaan tanpa
     sebarang kompromi...
19.Selepas seorang gadis jatuh cinta,dia akan sering tertanya-tanya,kenapalah aku tidak jumpa lelaki ini
     lebih awal...
20.BEKAS teman lelaki akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya,tetapi lelaki yang dicintainya sekarang akan berada
    di tempat teristimewa iaitu di hatinya...

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Inspired by...

                      " orang yang benar-benar telah melakukan hakikat penghambaan (ubudiyyah)
                                          akan melihat perbuatnnya dari kaca mata riya'

melihat dirinya dengan mata curiga
melihat pebuatannya dengan mata tuduhan


semakin besarnya tuntutan kesempurnaan dalam diri seseorang
semakin tinggi tuntutan dalam hati kamu
semakin kecillah kamu memandang dirimu sendiri
dan semakin mahallah harga yang harus ditunaikan
untuk memperoleh
tuntutan hatimu itu"

-tahdzib madarijussalikin-


your story may not have such a happy beginning
but that doesn't make you who you are
it is the rest of the story
who you choose to be

the only thing that matters is who you choose to be

-kungfu panda 2-


inspiring kan?

*kungfu panda 2 awsome!. masuk list mesti tonton anda!!
masuk mutabaah amal pun ok! but,
cine-maa is not recommended*

* I think this answers my previous a way...*

May Peace be Upon You

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Everything Are Under Control


                             I was so happy after i've finish the choir during the 'Anugerah Cemerlang' day....i'm really,really,really nervous....firstly i never felt anything...then after a few hours,i was really nervous...and now...i have to wait for the choir competition...
                             For the Teacher's choir teacher,Puan Tan,told us that we (choir students) can sing any songs....if me,i want to sing that year 6 we sang....By the way...thanxs teacher for making this song...everyone loved it when we sang the song...i love you teacher! Arigatou~gozaimasu....Well this is the song that we sang for the 'Anugerah Cemerlang' day:

Kami capai kini,
Satu anugerah cemerlang,
Membakar semangat kental nan waja....

Kami mendayung harapan,
Aspirasi jadi kenyataan,
Idaman jadi...realiti,

Kami syukur atas nikmatnya,
Terima kasih guru semua,
Menghampar permaidani pena,
Membakar diri melara,

Bermula di sini semua,
Sekolah kami yang tercinta,
Takkan kami lupa,
Akan membalas jasa,

SMK Wangsa Melawati,
Sekolah kami yang tercinta,
Cemerlang,cemelang,kami murid cemerlang,

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Why Everything Is So Sudden!!!

Hey...thanx for visiting my blog...
Today is an essy compettion about drugs...tomorrow is a compettion making a banner about save our earth...on 31st March,i have a choir in our school...and on April the choir students (including me...) are attending for the choir compettion...well...i hope everythings going under controls...wish we all win in every compettion we're in...well then,bye!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Tomorrow Is A School Day...

                      Waaa!!! I'm gonna cry...after a week we all have a nice school holiday and tomorrow is the end of the school holiday,never mine...on May we still have another school holidays...and on April...only at 11th April...well the thing is...we can meet up our friends during the school day,,,I hoped that everyone have done their homework...:D
And I'm so awfully sorry to Rahimah because her cousin died away in an accident... :'(
By the way...the SPM results are so near...but,I'm not in year I will facing an incridible exam,the PMR....not just me but also my friends and my best friends...I'm sure that they also scared on that exam same as me...I wish for the SPM students have a great results...don't be scared or nervous....I wonder how if I be a SPM's really freaking me out...*shivering*,well I also hoped everybody enjoys their holiday very much,,,but,if not...may be the next holiday will be very special for then,goodbye and enjoy the things you do...

Thursday, 15 March 2012


                        Dear friends that I miss you so...>< much! I wrote this post just for Intan...,Rahimah..., Fariha...,Hasimin...,Anis...,Lee Jasmine...and also Darnishaa you're the best friend I never had...'-'
I miss you girls that was very far from me...except Jasmine and Darnishaa because we're on the same school...but,don't be sad...I still love you very much...<3
           This picture I dedicated to:Intan,Rahimah,Fariha,C-min,Anis,Lee Jasmine and Darnishaa...the red colour is me and the blue is all of you...<3
            My poem to all the name that I mention you girls forever...

I will be waiting for you,
Till you really need my love,
I will remain like this,
And I will not change anyone,
While I'm waiting for friend...   


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

My Friends At SMK Gambang...

          Happy....(not from fairytail,ok?)This week...all students in Malaysia are having a hole week holiday..Yeay!!!So,i took this day to visit one of my best friend,Rahimah, at my ex-school,SMK Gambang,at Pahang...i was really happy to meet here house...she's one of my best friend that is un'matured' girl...LOL.....this one,below here is Rahimah Bt Ramli...isn't she is cute...<3
But..i guess Fariha is the cutest in our gang at SMK Gambang...wanna see her pic...
           Well this is Aisyatul Fariha Bt Ismail...also known as...AFI BLURR...but for me i rather call her Riha...eventhough she doesn't like it...but,still she's not mad...she's a clever,cute,k-pop lover and girl-ish girl...i haven't meet her this school holiday...maybe next time i guess...still i missed her cute posing....LOL...before i forget...she's also an Anime lover...she's more crazy about k-pop the most...
           Yeay....from left,Anis Suria (R~NIS)..and the right one is Zaity (ACAI...)...i donno why people call her that actually...Anis:the shortest in our group...she's so out of matured...LOL,what she loves the most is her boyfriend...Zaity:she's matured,quiet person and good at every job...things she love most..also her boyfriend...these two girls have a perfect couples actually...they looked so cute...<3..these two girls loves to hang-out together.....

                Next is....NORASYIKIN!!!! or i should called Syikin,,,she's an adorable girl,very matured,she loved computer games...syikin is on the right...the left one is Anis...she lived at the clinic at Gambang....still she loved to sing,mostly the new song and old songs...she and Zaity are neighbours...they both are very good friends...still miss her so much...i wish i could see her...yeay...she also loves to make everyone laughing...

               Well...this is Adilah...most of her friends (that's inclued me...)will call her,D~LA,she's a person with good in sports,she's also known as a Love Princess and Love Doctor and that's what she's expert in,LOVE....well...i have no more comment on her....she's only half matured and half un'meatured'...

                           Well,i guess this is it for today's post...thanx for reading it...i was really appreciated it very much...and also thanks for visiting my blog..i know it's a bit boring...even i feel it...but,i like it when my hardwork to complete my blog are going under controls...well then, you all....<3

Friday, 2 March 2012

       Dear Intan,i wish i could see you are the only friend that understands me so much...even more than Jasmine and the way,did you that Jasmine and Darnisha missed you so much...we all wish that you can come to SMK Wangsa Melawati if you are are very welcome if you,i hope everything is better there without me...just LONELY '~'
During recess in that school...i have no friends to company me...Jasmine with Rachey,her new best friend...Darnishaa?!she's with her best friend too...i'm so class my best friend is Izzatul and Yasmin...during recess...Yasmin and Izzatul goes to recess with their best friends...